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Daniel Valtakari - TEK

Dra Larissa Sabunova - HR Director - FORTACO

Bernard Daly (UNITE- Ireland)

Challenges for Information and Consultation at Montenegro for the future

Dr Joseph Farrugia - General Director of MEA (Malta Employers' Association)

Collective Bargaining can be the key element for the success of Information and Consultation?

Role of National Information and Consultation for the Workers of Albania

Information and Consultation in Malta - reality and challenges of the the future

What can be the role\/relevance of the workers participation right?

Information and Consultation; Employers of Albania; New perspectives brought by this Project

Information and Consultation at Fortaco (Estonia), trade unions point of view.

Challenges of Information and Consultation by Aleksandr Drannikov

Role of collective bargaining as a toll for the workers' rights

Would you be in favour of profit sharing? Why?

Information and Consultation at North Macedonia in the TU Perspective

Challenges of information and consultation

Future of IC at Albania,
concrete sugestions

Information and Consultation at Bulgaria at Mining Industry